Wood is Good

Wood is Good by Steve Hurley and Travis Drudi Massachusetts Wildlife Magazine Jan, 2022 Republished by Permission While everyone knows that wood in the form of trees provides critical wildlife habitat, its importance in aquatic systems is less well known. The land and vegetation surrounding a lake, pond, river, or stream has a major impact…

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As some of you may know, Geoffrey Day, our Executive Director has moved to Maine to continue his restoration work there. At this time (12.2022), we are unable to fill any orders due to business matters associated with the move. Stay Tuned — we should be back in business quite soon! FYI – Below is…

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Project Voldemort Begins

By Geof Day (SRBTC) and Fred Jennings (TU Nor’East ) On November 23, 2019, key members of (Nor’East Trout Unlimited) and the Town of Manchester’s Stream Team met for an initial visit, starting at the Manchester Town Hall and then taking a tour of the relevant waters. Attending this initial meeting were SRBTC, TU Nor’East…

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NY’s Carmans River Dredging Averted

For Immediate Release January 9, 2020 Contact: Kevin McAllister 631.599.9326 mac.waterwarrior@icloud.com Brookhaven Town Surrenders DEC Permit to Resolve Legal Dispute Sag Harbor, New York — We are pleased to announce Defend H2O, Brookhaven Town and Suffolk County have entered into a binding agreement which terminates the dredging project preventing irreversible damages to historic wetlands in…

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