eDNA Update 2017

[Update: In December 2017, SRBTC received a small grant from New England Biolabs to help extend our eDNA sampling work into other species. This update marks the fourth grant we have received to support our ongoing eDNA work. The three other grants are from ECCF, Cell Signaling Technologies and Trout Unlimited Nor’East Chapter.] From The…

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Salter Quest Winter 2017

Read about exciting progress in SE Massachusetts and Maine to bring back the historic sea-run brook trout that once teemed in hundreds of coastal access streams throughout New England. Use page controls at the bottom of the image below to advance to the next page, or download and print for reading later using the buttons…

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SRBTC’s Fresh Brook Hydrodynamic Study Awarded Grant from MET

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 8, 2017 CONTACT Katie Gronendyke – Energy and Environmental Affairs Katie.gronendyke@state.ma.us<mailto:Katie.gronendyke@state.ma.us> Baker-Polito Administration Announces Grants for Water Protection and Habitat Restoration Projects BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration today awarded $506,344 in grants from the Massachusetts Environmental Trust (MET) to 15 projects across the state that will restore aquatic habitat, rivers and…

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