Here you have it, straight from the guy who really knows Red Brook.
Warren, one of the founders of the Sea Run Brook Coalition, is helping to apply what has been learned from the ongoing restoration of Red Brook to other streams throughout the range of the sea-run brook trout.
Thanks go out to the guys at World Fishing Network.
Ed note: When this was hosted on our previous blog platform, a user (Dave) wrote:
Is the Salter brook trout the same genus/species as a typical stream resident brook trout; i.e. Salvelinus fontinalis?
What is the genetic relationship between the Salter and the Coaster Brook Trout that migrates out of the Great Lakes?
Sun, January 13, 2013 @ 5:12 PM
Warren Winders replied:
Hi Dave,
Salter brook trout are, what is called, a behavioral sub-set of the same brook trout that live their entire lives in streams, Salvelinus fontinalis. There is still a lot to learn about brook trout. Coasters, as you no doubt know, live in the Great Lakes, and while, like salters, they grow to large sizes during their stay in the more productive habitat of a large body of water, their life history varies somewhat from the salter brook trout that we know in Massachusetts near the southern extreme of their range. While Coasters share similarities with salters, there are no genetic studies that I know of that might link these two behavioral sub-sets of the brook trout family.
At the present time, there are ongoing studies directed at unraveling these mysteries of brook trout behavior, to discover if there is any particular genetic cause to explain these life history differences. We need to keep in mind that we’re faced with the same, as yet unanswerable, question when we try to parse the genetics of steelhead trout and the “stay at home” rainbows born to the same stream. So, all that I can say is stay tuned.
SRBTC is helping to support PIT and acoustic tag studies on salters that we hope will answer some of these questions.
Sun, January 13, 2013 @ 8:22 PM