For Immediate Release January 9, 2020
Contact: Kevin McAllister 631.599.9326
Brookhaven Town Surrenders DEC Permit
to Resolve Legal Dispute
Sag Harbor, New York — We are pleased to announce Defend H2O, Brookhaven Town and Suffolk County have entered into a binding agreement which terminates the dredging project preventing irreversible damages to historic wetlands in the Carmans River.
In July 2019, Defend H2O had served Notice of Intent to Sue for alleged violations of the U.S. Clean Water Act implementing a misguided plan to drain and excavate the 23-acre lower Yaphank impoundment for aesthetics—controlling aquatic invasive pant growth. In consideration for surrendering the permit, Defend H2O has agreed to forgo commencement of further legal action.
With the dredging permit surrendered, Defend H2O calls on Brookhaven Town and Suffolk County to act as true stewards of this regionally significant resource. Commit to wetland recovery by restoring stream flow. The environmental benefits from dam modification are significant. Wetland recovery, habitat restoration, water quality improvements, fish & wildlife and climate change resiliency—all quickly realized by the right the decision.