Tom Richardson of visited Red Brook to make this excellent video about tagging sea-run brook trout.
Featuring segments by Steve Hurley, Southeast District Fisheries Manager for Mass DFW, Todd Debreuil from USGS, with glimpses of other familiar faces from SE Mass Trout Unlimited, the video goes into how we know these fish are truly sea-run.
The second video, from an unnamed stream in Southern Massachusetts, was made by SRBTC volunteers a few years back and shows the productivity of these fish. This unnamed stream is not part of any research at this time other than routine sampling by Steve Hurley.
If you’ve never been on an electroshocking crew, these two videos truly capture the fun and science.
Tagging projects researching sea-run brook trout behavior and migration patterns are partially funded by SRBTC and would not be happening without SRBTC’s direct support. Your donations go directly to support both PIT and Acoustic tagging research.
Check here or here for some slide presentations showing the technology and value of PIT tagging.
Stay tuned here to see ongoing results of this critical work
Thanks go out to Tom Richardson for this super nice work up.
For more from Tom Richardson,
This second video goes into a more specific discussion of how electroshocking works and looks at some of the other species found in this very productive system.
In this video, Steve Hurley, Southeast District Manager of Mass Fish and Wildlife discusses the finding of Brendan Annette’s DNA study work that identified that these fish are genetically distinct from hatchery fish – which basically means that these fish found at Red Brook, the Maspee and the Santuit Rivers are truly wild and have not interbred with hatchery fish.
Today, Brendan Annette is with the Coalition for Buzzards Bay.
You can read results of his study published in the Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, a leading peer reviewed journal for fisheries science here: