I want to introduce to to a great new website that goes into more detail about the restoration project at Red Brook.
Redbrook.org was designed by volunteer Christophe Perez and contains writings by SRBTC founder Warren Winders in the days before and during the foundation of SRBTC.
Warren is the former Red Brook Director for the Southeastern Mass Chapter of Trout Unlimited, a position he created in 1993 and held until just recently. During that time he led numerous strategic meetings between key stake holders and partners, directed numerous dam removals and the fundraisers to support them, and led countless work days, all to bring about the restoration of Red Brook.
Warren is also author of the Massachusetts/Rhode Island TU Sea-Run Brook Trout Initiative.
This initiative, is the birth of SRBTC. And with that, we began the mostly pleasant and perpetual work of reviewing restoration sites in coastal states in New England and New York, seeking and writing grants, raising money, spreading the word and building up our membership base.
For his work on Red Brook, Warren has been awarded the Joe Yerka prize from New England Outdoor Writers Association which is awarded for outstanding work in the conservation, wildlife or environmental fields, and for effort above and beyond the person’s or organization’s responsibility. He has also been recognized as a “Bay Guardian” by being honored by The Coalition For Buzzards Bay for his work on Red Brook.
Warren stepped down as Red Brook Director in 2010 and John Kokoszka is now Director.
While remaining an active TU member, Warren announced he was stepping aside to let others lead and manage the Red Brook Family Day Fundraiser and other projects at Red Brook.
Included at RedBrook.org is a reproduction of an article Warren wrote for the River Management Society journal, as well as some additional updates.
For more, please visit www.RedBrook.org
Additional information about Red Brook can be found through the SE Mass Chapter of Trout Unlimited https://southeastmasstu.com/
If you wish to visit Red Brook, visit the Lyman Reserve, managed by the Trustees of the Reservations.
View TTOR’s website for Lyman Reserve.