This video of an “unnamed brook” is actually of Angeline Brook, Westport, MA. It was put together by SRBTC volunteers back in 2007, long before SRBTC was formally incorporated.
Without your support, this beautiful and fragile brook could dry up and disappear.
Development is currently planned that, if allowed, would pull a great deal of water from the delicate aquifer that feeds this system. On top of that, who knows what kind of thermal or chemical pollution will end up impacting the trout – and all the other critters – as a direct result of increased human population.
In this video, Steve Hurley, Southeast District Manager of Mass Fish and Wildlife, discusses the findings of Brendan Annette’s DNA study work that identified that these fish are genetically distinct from hatchery fish – which basically means that brook trout found at Red Brook, the Mashpee and the Santuit Rivers are truly wild and have not interbred with hatchery fish. We can assume the fish of Angeline Brook and other tributaries of the Westport River System are also truly wild.
Of course, in 2015, no trout were found in the Santuit. Keep this in mind as you think about the future of Angeline Brook.
Brendan Annette is now with the Coalition for Buzzards Bay, leading the fight to acquire land to protect critical habitat – and his most recent project is protecting Angeline Brook.
You can read results of his study published in the Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, a leading peer-reviewed journal for fisheries science here:
Please help protect Angeline Brook by donating to Sea Run Brook Trout Coalition today.