Here you can find great video about sea-run brook trout (and related fish) conservation work on Cape Cod and Maine.
This five-part video from Steve Hurley is a great place to start.
Steve is the Southeastern District Fisheries Manager for Mass Wildlife .
Here’s Steve in the field in Westport MA.
Here’s Beth Lambert from Mass Division of Ecological Restoration in 2010 introduced by Prudy Burt, presented at the West Tisbury Library.
Here’s another visit to Martha’s Vineyard with Michael Hopper presenting on sea run brook trout in 2012 again at the West Tisbury Library.
For more videos and ongoing updates, check out our channel here:
And there’s also plenty of interesting video and other content at our Facebook Page. Please don’t forget to support sea-run brook trout restoration by becoming a member of SRBTC or donating here.