Work Dates

There’s always work to do.

Please help out in restoring sea-run brook trout by becoming a member of SRBTC.

You can also help out any of our partner organizations by participating in their work days as listed below.

While every Trout Unlimited Chapter does their own type of project, there are two Chapters that deserve special recognition in their work to restore salter brook trout streams.

They are Cape Cod TU and SE Mass TU. CCTU works primarily on the Quashnet River and SEMATU is working on the trout streams of Southeastern Massachusetts. SEMATU is also the chapter that did the majority of work on the Red Brook restoration.

Membership is not required, but please support your local organizations. Thanks!

Southeastern Mass Trout Unlimited

Join SEMASS TU in working towards restoring Bread and Cheese Brook’s sea-run brook trout population. The group meets at Brookside Conservation area in Westport MA at 9am. Work includes basic water chemistry monitoring at several stations along the brook, as well as fishing! The goal at this stage of the restoration is to monitor fish movements as they vary from month to month, which is accomplished through fly fishing volunteers! These workdays will better focus future habitat restoration efforts in this historic brook trout fishery.

SEMASS TU’s workdays are usually on the first Saturday of the month in fall, spring and winter, weather permitting.

Visit SEMASS TU’s website for more details:

Cape Cod Trout Unlimited

Join Cape Cod TU to help out on the Quashnet River.

If you aren’t familiar with this special river, this is a perfect way to become acquainted, and to help out by participating in one of the longest running and most successful habitat restoration projects around.

CCTU usually meets on the third Sunday of the month, all months but the summer.

For more details, visit their page here:

Each chapter also has special projects so you might want to join or get on their mailing lists to learn more.